

Do you google your symptoms?

ABC Action News Dr. Karon LoCicero was featured in this news report from Tampa Bay's ABC Action News report about people who research their symptoms on the internet before seeing a doctor.

By |2014-12-12T04:45:04-05:00February 25th, 2013|News|Comments Off on Do you google your symptoms?

Trends in Concierge Medicine

WTVT, Fox 13 - Tampa In this news segment on concierge medicine, Dr. Karon LoCicero comments on the concerns of physicians and patients about the growing trend of retainer-based medicine.

By |2014-12-12T04:48:55-05:00July 13th, 2012|News|Comments Off on Trends in Concierge Medicine

Hydroxycut Recall

WFTS-TV, ABC News - Tampa Following an FDA recall of the popular over-the-counter diet pill, Hydroxycut, Dr. LoCicero comments on the safety of health supplements advertised as “natural.”

By |2014-12-12T05:42:24-05:00May 3rd, 2009|News|Comments Off on Hydroxycut Recall
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