Message From Our CEO

I am Nicholas Galantino, Chief Executive Officer of LoCicero Health. I have been part of the leadership team of our practice for more than 27 years. I am proud to share with you that our physicians, APRNs, Pas and other healthcare team members have risen to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Our nation, the healthcare industry, and our local community encountered an unprecedented public health emergency in 2020. We are all beginning to emerge from the hardship the pandemic placed on us. Drawing on our team’s adaptability and creativity, we remained open to providing the community with quality care in safe and innovative ways. Our staff has worked long days in local hospitals, in skilled nursing facilities, and our clinics to make sure we cared for the health and welfare of our patients. 


The changes we made to our services during the pandemic are here to stay. We will continue to deliver Telehealth services and will work to expand coverage across specialties. We will continue to provide healthcare in your home through our Mobile Medical Division, including mobile lab services to help you keep up with important tests in a safe, comfortable environment. We will continue to provide COVID-19 testing in our laboratories. 

Our practice appreciates the confidence you have shown in allowing us to provide your healthcare. It is our goal to continue to provide quality care to our community of patients and to continue to adapt to the changing environment we are facing in 2024. 

Dr. LoCicero and her team have committed themselves to the LoCicero Health Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to providing access to healthcare to indigent and underserved populations, as well as fund research and find cures for rare diseases. 

LoCicero Health will continue to adapt to meet your healthcare needs. Based on patient feedback, we have complemented our clinical care with services such as Physical Therapy and Behavioral Health/Psychiatry. Additionally, we have opened three new clinics in the greater Tampa Bay Area with a promise to continue to serve our local community. 

Thank you for your trust in us. We are committed to continuing to provide the comprehensive quality care you have come to expect.  



Nick Galantino 

Chief Executive Officer